BFCET Rules & Regulations
General Academic Rules
All students must conform in every respect to the rules of the college, violation of rules, misconduct, poor attendance, lack of satisfactory progress in studies will render a student liable to fine. Rustication, expulsion or any other disciplinary action taken by the principal shall be final.
Students are expected to attend classes in theory & practical regularly so that they do not fall short of the university requirement i.e. 75% minimum for appearing in the end semester examination. Any student falling short of attendance will not be allowed to appear in the university examination.
The internal assessment/sessional will be based on the continuous evaluation of the students, through class test /mid semester tests, quizzes, seminar, homes assignments and class work. A minimum of three class test/mid semester tests will be held during the semester. Out of which the best two shall be considered for awarding internal assessment marks.The students will have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in written theory and external practical examination separately to pass the subjects.
Students must have enrolled for NCC or NSS and should have attended the prescribed number of camps/projects as prescribed by the university.
Students will not directly or indirectly indulge in ragging. The concerned students will have to prove their innocence in case of any reported incident of ragging failing to do so he or she will face expulsion from hostel and college.
Hostel Rules
Students are required to observed strict discipline in hostel. Any attempt to create disturbance/damage to hostel property /indecent behavior with fellow residents or mess staff/other employees/warden can lead to disciplinary action including expulsion from the hostel/suspension/rustication from the college.
The hostellers shall report to the warden after 8pm in summers and 6pm in winters every day for attendance.
No hostellers will perform any- social activity in the hostels. The hostellers shall not conduct group meetings of circulate pamphlets/paper inside the hostels.
The hostellers shall not keep excess cash and valuables with them in the hostel. In case of loss, the institution will not be responsible in any way.
Hostellers will not be allowed to go outside along with any person other than the guardian authorized by their parents.
Ragging is a criminal offence. It is strictly prohibited in the campus During class hours no student is supposed to be in hostel.
The hostellers shall be under an obligation to keep silence in the hostel especially during the study hours.