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BFCMT Rules & Regulations
General Rules
These Rules are called the RULES of BABA FARID GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS, Mukatsar Road, Bathinda (Punjab).
These Rules are applicable to all the Students of School and Colleges working under the aegis of Baba Farid Group of Institutions, as aforesaid, Parents, Guardians, Guests, Relatives, and Friends of students, Employees / Staff Members / Officials and each guest / visitors of Campus of Baba Farid Group of Institutions located at Mukatsar Road, Bathinda.
- Admission to MBA program shall be strictly as per the guidelines of the university.
- Rules for appearing in examination:
- The University examination shall be held at the end of each semester as per the prescribed scheme of examination for the discipline and date sheet notified by the University.
- It will be the responsibility of the candidate to collect all information regarding examination schedule, roll number slip and result etc. from the College/Institute office. Students will collect the University Roll Number slips at least one day before the commencement of the examination.
- A student shall have to attend 75% of the scheduled lectures of both internal/external exams; otherwise he/she shall not be allowed to appear in that subject in the University exam. A student detained in the course (s) would be allowed to appear in the subsequent university exams only on having completed the attendance in the subject, when the course is offered as regular course(s), as per the rules.
- In case any student appears in the examinations by default, who in fact has been detained by the institute, his/her results shall be treated as null and void.
- Each paper shall be of 100 marks, out of which the candidate shall be examined for 60 marks on the basis of external paper setting & evaluation. Remaining 40 marks in each paper, shall be assigned to internal assessment. It will be based on performance of the student’s in house tests, take-home assignments and class participations, etc.
- To pass in a subject a candidate will be required to obtain a minimum of 40% marks.
- In case of Re-appear papers candidate shall be required to submit their examination forms within 15 days from the date of declaration of the result, or the regular date for submission of examination forms, whichever is earlier.
- The student will have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in written Theory and external Practical examination separately to pass the subject.
- All students must conform in every respect to the rules of the college. Violation of rules, misconduct, poor attendance, lack of satisfactory progress in studies will render a student liable to fine, rustication, expulsion or any other disciplinary action taken by the principal which shall be final.
- The candidates having compartment, cannot get admission. The student has to clear the compartment in the first attempt otherwise will be cancelled
- The instructions/guidelines/rules and regulations, changed by the university from time to time, shall be applicable on all the students.
- To provide any information/ documents regarding Return and Admission form shall be the sole responsibility of the student individually.
- In case the required documents like qualification certificate etc. are not submitted at the time of admission, these shall be submitted immediately after the admission.
- In case any discrepancy found in the documents/information provided by the student, he himself will be responsible for the consequences arising out
- The reserved seat in advance shall be valid for 15 days only after the declaration of examination and in case the confirmation not received by that time the reservation shall stand cancelled and the amount deposited will be forfeited
- The power of suspension of the students shall not be changed at all
- Roll numbers/Sections allotted shall not be changed at all.
- Documents required for admission in MBA :
- Admit card and result card issued by MET entrance cell and the university where the counseling was held.
- Four passport size unattested photographs.
- Proof of date of birth (Matriculation Certificate) .
- Copies of marks sheets of qualifying degree/Board examination.
- Character certificate and proof of residence.
- An attested copy of reservation category claimed, issued by a duly competent authority (if any).
- Migration certificate is to be submitted within one month of admission.
Note: Changes made by university if any in the rules & regulations will be applicable.
Library Rules
- Every student must possess Identity-cum-Library Card issued by the College Authority.
- The books will be issued for a period of 15 days at one time after which student will have to return the book in the Library, failing which Rs.1/-per day per book fine will be charged from the student. When the date for the return for the book falls on an authorized holiday it should be returned to the library on the day the classes resume after the holiday. The time allowed to borrowers and those specially permitted by the Principal is 15 days beyond which a fine of Rs. 1 per book per day will be charged up to a maximum period of 15 days. Thereafter a fine of Rs. 5 per book day will be levied till the book is returned.
- Not more than two books will be issued at a time.
- In case of misplacement/damage to the book, the cost of the book will be charged as penalty/fine (will be charged- omit it) from the student.
- The reference book, syllabus, rare books and periodicals will be issued only for consultation in the library only. Reference books, text books, rare books & periodicals shall not be issued except for consultation in the library premises.
- No book should be taken out of the library without the knowledge of the person in charge of the issue counter and until it has been properly entered in the issue register and the entry attested by the borrower.
- Each borrower must examine the condition of the books before they are issued otherwise for any mutilation discovered latter, the presumption will be against the borrower.
- All books belonging to the Library and in possession of borrowers should be returned to the Library before the college closes for the long vacation and before the date so notified for any purpose.
- A borrower having a Library book in his possession should return it to the Library as soon as he receives a requisition notice. If the students deliberately ignore the Library notice to return the long outstanding borrowed books, the matter will be referred to the Dean for appropriate penal action.
- No marginal or other notes or marking shall be made on the library books nor shall any picture or page be removed or torn or otherwise disfigured. Students damaging any book in any manner will be penalized.
- The Librarian will report to the Authority the name of the persons responsible for improper use of the Library books.
- Although restrictions are not ordinarily placed on the issue of books from the Library, the authority reserves the right to stop the issue of certain books to all or some intending borrowers without assigning any reason.
- A borrower against whom any fee or charge is outstanding shall not be allowed to borrow books from the Library.
- If any borrower keeps a library book in his/her possession for more than the time allowed, (for the purpose, no more than the time allowed for the purpose- omit it), no more books will be issued to him/her until the book concerned is returned to the Library ( may be denied to such persons-omit it).
- All those who may happen to be inside the Library or in its neighborhood are expected to observe silence and maintain discipline.
- The Library should not be used for any purpose other than reading or consulting books and periodicals in its possession.
- Articles not concerned with the study of books should not be brought into the Library.
- Spitting, knitting , smoking, sleeping, eating, loitering, gossiping inside the Library and putting one’s legs on the Library furniture are strictly forbidden.
- Cases of incivility either on the part of intending borrowers or on the part of the Library staff or of any unauthorized person who might happen to be inside the Library should at once be reported to the Principal.
- An unauthorized person who tries to force his way into the Library may be turned out of the Library by the Library Staff.
- A book once issued to a borrower may be reissued to him, only when nobody else wants to take the books. Books before being reissued should be presented before the Issue Counter for necessary entries in the register. The books will be re-issued if they are not in demand by other students.
- Books issued to students shall be kept on record in the Library cards, which will be given to them after they are admitted to the Institution.
- Any book lost, damaged or defaced by a borrower must be replaced by him. If the book is one of a set or a series and the volume which cannot be obtained single, the whole set or series must be replaced at the reader’s cost. If the book is rare or irreplaceable, the borrower must be made to pay three times the cost of the book. In those cases in which the price of the lost book cannot be ascertained, the student should pay as compensation an amount fixed by the Library Advisory Committee. In case of loses of books the matter should be reported to the librarian before the due date, in the absence of which, fine will be charged till the information is given.
- A person who takes a book from the Library is supposed to abide by the rules. Ignorance of the Library rules will be no excuse for the breach of any rule.
- Library books are not transferable.
- For use in the reading room, ordinarily one book at a time may be issued to every student. The Librarian may issue more than one book if he thinks it to be necessary and desirable.
- If a student loses his Library Card, a duplicate Library Card shall be issued to him on making an application to the Principal and on payment of a fine of Rs. 20/- for the issue of the duplicate Library card.
- On special cases if the authority feels the student to be a disturbing element, he/she may be disallowed entry into the Library.
- Books issued from the library should be kept very carefully and in no case be under lined or disfigured. If the book is already damaged in any form, it should be got checked from the issuing clerk or by the librarian, otherwise the responsibility will be of the student herself/himself.
- The students are expected to observe perfect silence in the reading room and not to disturb others in any way.
- Students should check whether all pages are intact before getting the books issued. If pages are found missing at the time to returning then they will be fined heavily. Inform the librarian or issuing clerk regarding the missing pages at the time of getting the books issued and gets the signature of the librarian along with the notification of missing pages.
- The staff members will be issued not more than ten books at a time. …?
- In case the identity card is lost, a written application should immediately be made to the librarian. A duplicate card will be issued on the payment of Rs. 100/-.
- Students must follow the rules of Library.
Transport Rules
- Students must keep the bus pass issued by the College with them while boarding the college bus.
- The college bus facility will be provided for the whole session and fee will be charged for the same.
- Students themselves will be responsible for their own vehicle.
- Bus facility for evening session (exams) shall be available from Bathinda City only.
- Nobody will be spared in case he is found to damage the vehicle of the College.
- In case of any problem, contact the in charge (Transportation) on Mobile no. 9501115800.
- Transport charges will be paid at the time of admission in lump sum.
- Transportation fee, once paid, shall neither be refundable nor adjustable.
- The student must carry their I-Card while travelling by the college bus.
- Students must be seated on seats while travelling.
- Students are not allowed to ask driver to play his/her personal cassette/C.D or try this on his own.
- Students are not allowed to listen music on speaker of his mobile or laptops during the journey.
- Students would not be allowed to travel in college bus without Identity Card and Bus Pass.
- Students are advised to inform the bus driver and / or transport In-charge or the principal in case they face any problems in the bus.
Hostel Rules
- The University examination shall be held at the end of each semester as per the prescribed scheme of examination for the discipline and date sheet notified by the University.
- It will be the responsibility of the candidate to collect all information regarding examination schedule, roll number slip and result etc. from the College/Institute office. Students will collect the University Roll Number slips at least one day before the commencement of the examination.
- A student shall have to attend 75% of the scheduled lectures of both internal/external exams; otherwise he/she shall not be allowed to appear in that subject in the University exam. A student detained in the course (s) would be allowed to appear in the subsequent university exams only on having completed the attendance in the subject, when the course is offered as regular course(s), as per the rules.
- In case any student appears in the examinations by default, who in fact has been detained by the institute, his/her results shall be treated as null and void.
- Each paper shall be of 100 marks, out of which the candidate shall be examined for 60 marks on the basis of external paper setting & evaluation. Remaining 40 marks in each paper, shall be assigned to internal assessment. It will be based on performance of the student’s in house tests, take-home assignments and class participations, etc.
- To pass in a subject a candidate will be required to obtain a minimum of 40% marks.
- In case of Re-appear papers candidate shall be required to submit their examination forms within 15 days from the date of declaration of the result, or the regular date for submission of examination forms, whichever is earlier.
- The student will have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in written Theory and external Practical examination separately to pass the subject.
- All students must conform in every respect to the rules of the college. Violation of rules, misconduct, poor attendance, lack of satisfactory progress in studies will render a student liable to fine, rustication, expulsion or any other disciplinary action taken by the principal which shall be final.
- Admit card and result card issued by MET entrance cell and the university where the counseling was held.
- Four passport size unattested photographs.
- Proof of date of birth (Matriculation Certificate) .
- Copies of marks sheets of qualifying degree/Board examination.
- Character certificate and proof of residence.
- An attested copy of reservation category claimed, issued by a duly competent authority (if any).
- Migration certificate is to be submitted within one month of admission.